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 Our services include Strategy and Development, Facilitation and Consultation, Business Support Services, and Social Management Plans. 


LP assists companies, governments, financial institutions, and non-governmental organizations in identifying and realizing strategies and plans to govern and guide investment in regions, sectors, projects, and municipalities, impacted by the development of large scale projects. In particular, we specialize in grappling with the complicated challenges confronting rapidly changing regions and communities and help clients visualize, assess and manage change. Our strategies and plans culminate from engagement with stakeholder groups, indigenous communities, and the public. Success of these strategies and plans is measured by consensus-building and alignment at the corporate, community and project level. Our strategies and plans range from traditional urbanplanning and design to community readiness Initiatives.

Our strategies and plans range from traditional urbanplanning and design to community readiness Initiatives. • Regional and urban planning • Land development planning • Worker housing strategies • Indigenous engagement and community development • Community readiness strategies • Policy and regulatory review and approvals • Project advisement and owner representation


Everything we do builds from a broad, inclusive and continuous process of relationship-building between a client and its stakeholders. This process includes a range of activities from community forums and participatory planning activities to group-specific workshops and informal dialogue, and is designed to span an entire project life cycle. In many cases, we lead our client’s engagement process on the ground, including forming and facilitating regional working groups and negotiations committees. To this end, LP strives to deliver improved community benefits through enhanced community participation, improved information flows, increased understanding of community perceptions of projects, and increased understanding of project information to stakeholders and the public. We also partner to analyze big data ranging from Social Media and Google to Mobile Device tracking to give our clients a clear view of perceptions locally and nationally. Our insights provide clients and communities the unprecedented ability to target the right issues with the right solutions, rather than using “scattershot” approaches to community relations. Lastly, we have led Duty to Consult processes in support of our projects.

Our services include the following: • Public and stakeholder engagement plans • First Nation and Metis Settlement Consultation Plans • Community surveys and perception studies • Social data analysis


LP assists its clients to better understand the risk and opportunitieswithin business and associated project-based investment. We also assistorganizations and impacted communities negotiate benefits associatedwith projects. We undertake socio-economic and spatial analysisincluding assessment of demographic, market and development trendsand scenarios of projects and associated economic multipliers at local,municipal and regional scales. Furthermore, we utilize project-basedsocial and economic data for the purposes of informing communityinvestment in support of acquiring a Social License to Operate.

Our services include the following: • Feasibility analysis and business plans • Institutional capacity building and corporate structuring • Logistic and supply chain strategy • Local economic development and governance strategy and plans • Community investment strategy • Finance strategy


We prepare and implement social management plans to help clients address specific impacts or risks in a comprehensive manner and in accordance with best practices. Our plans typically reflect extensive stakeholder engagement activities, including a range of disclosure, consultation, participatory planning and – where appropriate – negotiation activities. We are adept at combining regulatory requirements with aspirational components of Social License to Operate within project governance, mitigation and consultation to streamline project approvals.

Our services include the preparation andimplementation of the following: • Socio-economic assessment and management plans • Financial literacy training • Worker training and capacity building • Economic / community development plans • Local employment and economic diversification plans • Land acquisition and In-migration management plans

© 2024  LandPeoplePlanning

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